Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Cold Drink Stomach Pain

Aversa Normanna - Val di Sangro

Hello People!
After a month and a half of defeats and draws, came one of the decisive victories, one against the Val di Sangro. One of the many direct matches to reach the area "QUIET" of the league.

This is the training that took to the field winning the three points thanks to goals from G. Marasco and Pagano. To underline the performance of Sibilla, A. Marasco, G. Marasco and PANINI (which sported some form of karate to retrieve the balls).
This is what I wanted the fans ...
This is what Norman wanted the Group!
Players who fight for the win without ever giving up!
Now we have a very important trip, another head to head .. Isola Liri against time! We have all the requirements to win this match ... and win!

PHOTOS ( after game) - Sibilla and A. MARASCA components NORMAN GROUP

From NORMAN GROUP All ... see you on Sunday against the 'Isola Liri!
Always remember ..
When the going gets tough ..... The Norman starts to play!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Mossy Oak Prom Dress In Texas

Granata Disappointment ........

Hello people,
there is only one word that can be associated with the last 2 games dell'Aversa Norman DISAPPOINTMENT!
Aversa Normanna - Catanzaro 0-1
was supposed to be the first in a long series of matches, which would bring the Norman in the secure area of \u200b\u200bthe chart, that would make many fans happy, as the " NORMAN GROUP " THAT WAS ALREADY 'READY TO CELEBRATE AN INCOME EARNINGS ..
But .... Catanzaro has been able to exploit its the only real chance of the match, thanks to an error of OF COURT.
Another Sunday, another day, but most of all .. ANOTHER DEFEAT! This time, Melfi ...
Melfi - Aversa Normanna 2 -0
We a few steps back, specifically the 2nd day of the championship, Aversa Normanna - Melfi 1-0. First win, first 3 points, great expectations for a team that has done so well in the league before and he thought he had scored good shots of the market .... TODAY .... 2 nd day of the second round, we are in the relegation zone .... with only 16 points, 1 point from the last.
We fans do not want that!
many years to reach this goal only to watch them fade within a season .....
NORMAN Do not give up!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Stretchmark Tattoos Gone Wrong

... -3 Since the resumption of the league.

Despite the holiday season I have noticed that there have been visits to the site!
The second round is about to begin, in fact, missing a few days after the resumption of the league. With the old year went away too many players. But it came with other New Year!
Some of these have already started with the shirt grenade in friendly match with Napoli Spring, which ended with the victory of Grenada for 3 - 0 (and a penalty save by the judge in the final).



G. Marasco
and finally .. the return of the original Marasco!

The Norman will entertain us ...
Norman Group We will do it even more fun!
every Sunday to the Renaissance!
fun with us!!

After the game I hope I can say .... GOOD ONE!
last thing I want to thank Michael Docimo for having included photos and video that I sent recently. So I invite you to visit the Heart Norman,
From NORMAN GROUP is all .. for now.
NORMAN Force and soon!

Thanks also for photos.