Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Wedding Fabric For Rent

Isola Liri - Aversa Normanna

Sunday the Norman went into the Isola Liri, trying to bring home a victory that would be served as soon as possible to get to the "quiet zone" of the league, but this has not arrived, the outcome of the match remained unchanged 0 -0.

The game was battled out in midfield, and when you were going to create chances to break the deadlock was the linesman waving his flag adoratissima, signaling the offside EXISTENT!

The hosts have pledged grenade only the goalkeeper to start playing with a free kick from about 25metri for the rest of the game the players were the players' Aversa Normanna, the linesmen and the referee.

grenade Most players were in top form, especially the defense, I think it was a match to forget for G. Marasco, who showed off his qualities, mistaken simple steps a few times and coming to a close.
could have won the match thanks to two occasions had in the end, he could start Cozzolino Arini to 2 times that was released on the right, but the ball never arrived because Arini has always tried to do alone.
all for now, see you all against the monopolies, very difficult game and I hope to review as early as next PERNA serve us! Let's hope so!

Greetings Michael Docimo (Heart Norman), DRI who sent me an e-mail I will publish shortly, and all the Granata fans!


(Part of the Granata fans)
The after match

In sequence: Armando, Luigi, Gennaro and Francesco



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