Monday, January 10, 2011

Feline Cataract Surgery

Pellerina (Sr) of 30 January 2011

Group Spelologico Syracuse opens January 30 cycle tours for 2011 with a visit to the Cave Pellerin.

This fascinating karst cavities opens a few hundred meters from the beautiful coast of Punta del Gigante, in the Peninsula Maddalena (Siracusa).

This is one of the best known in the SR cavity, extends for 500 meters and has within it numerous karst formations: stalactites, stalagmites and limestone columns create a real fairytale.

Participation is open to all who wish to take their first steps into the underground world. The fee of 5 Euros includes insurance and use of protective helmets with lights.

We recommend the use of hiking shoes or sneakers dress code and hiking activities. For

more info and to come and see us booked at our headquarters in Via Maestranza 33, on Wednesdays after 19.30.

Registration will end on January 28, we expect many.


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